Once known throughout East Germany for its delicious chocolate bonbons, the small city of Prückwitz is now home to a mass of abandoned factories and a faint hope for tourism development. A dedicated mayor and a U.S. investor could help the city recover economically—but for a single parcel of land, which Treuhand sold to a fortune hunter who disappeared during the reunification of Germany, and which is now blocking the way to a new industrial park. As a result of decisions made long, long ago, Prückwitz’s dreams of revival threaten to collapse.
Prückwitz does not exist, but if it did, it would look just like this. Following Layers of Life, which was performed at the HAU in 2021, the game theater collective machina eX returns to this fictitious location of very real events to unearth remnants of the past in the present.
The multimedia board game Life Goes On takes the audience on a voyage to the East German-West German past— without leaving the game table. Using game boards, converted smartphones, headphones, and event cards, players make their own Prückwitz, which they can recreate at home after the performance. A multimedia tabletop game that brings the elements of a game night into the performance space and the elements of the performance space into a game night. It is permanently available online.
Premiere / Venues
Premiere: October 2022, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3), Berlin
Release of @home version: November 2022, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU4), Berlin
March 2023 Parktheater Iserlohn
May 2023 FFT Düsseldorf
“A lovely and entertaining game with a great story, lots of laughs and a serious backstory.”
— Alexander Brock on KulturAspekte
Interview with dramaturge Lena Vöcklinghaus
Corso on Deutschlandfunk
on “Life Goes On”
Concept: machina eX /// Performance (Audio): Anne Eigner, Godehard Giese, Sina Kießling, Thomas Mielmann, Laura Naumann, David Simon, Stephan Stock, Leon Ullrich/// Text: Clara Ehrenwerth /// Interactive Design and Programming: Lasse Marburg, Benedikt Kaffai /// Dramaturgy: Lena Vöcklinghaus /// Sound Design: Matthias Millhoff /// Collaboration Game Design: Anton Rose /// Scenography: För Künkel, Mirjam Hildbrand /// Interface and UX Design: Elisa Haubert /// Graphic Design: Ines Strzedulla /// Collaboration Programming: Philip Steimel /// Production management: Sina Kießling
Production: machina eX. Co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer. Funded by: The Berlin Senate Department of Culture and Civic Solidarity, Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media under the rubric of NEUSTART KULTUR.